- From the editor
- Introduction
Cathy Bergin and Christian Høgsbjerg - Revisiting Engels’s ‘The part played by labour in the transition from ape to man’
Sheila McGregor - Engels’ revolutionary accounts of the June Days uprising
Kate Connelly - Engels on Colonialism – Ireland and the Agency of the Colonised
Ken Olende - Navigating Lemonade Seas – Frederick Engels, Utopian Socialism and Strategies for Emancipation
Judy Cox - The challenge of hegemonic masculinity in the early polemical work of French Socialists Auguste Blanqui and Louis Blanc
Randolph Miller - Book to remember
- Reviews
Issue 64
- Editorial Francis King
- A salute to Willie Thompson
Comments on some of the work of this journal’s founding editor
Francis King, Mike Makin-Waite and Mike Mecham - The ‘Miracle of Coalisland’
class and sectarianism in the Tyrone Coalfield, 1922-26
Fearghal Mac Bhloscaidh - The West in front of the mirror
Liberalism’s contradictions in (post)colonial terms: The Haitian case (1791-present)
Antonio J. Pinto - Review article
We have not finished reading Lukács
Mike Makin-Waite - Reviews
Issue 63
- ‘
Our Unknown Comrade’: The work, influences and likely identity of ‘Leon Caryll’, artist and designer to the socialist press in the 1890s
Stephen Williams - Stalin, Spain and the Making of a Warlord: The Sources of Soviet Intervention in the Spanish Civil War
Geoffrey Roberts - Scaffolding the Revolution?
Socialist Worker, 1972-74
Keith Copley - A gender history of the Northern Ireland peace process
Fidelma Ashe - Reviews
Issue 62 – Socialism in the English-speaking Caribbean
- Editorial
Christian Høgsbjerg, Michael Mahadeo - The History of Socialism in the English-speaking Caribbean
Ozzi Warwick - Politics and Caribbean Literature
The Case of St Vincent and the Grenadines in the Era of Independence,
Loraine Thomas - Black Power and Socialism in the West Indies
Ben Gowland - Under the Eagle’s Eye
Cooperation as a survival mechanism among Leftist Cuba, Grenada and Nicaragua, 1979-1990
Anne’el Ethel Bain - Reviews
Issue 61
- The Metropolitan Radical Federation:
London working class politics in the transition from radicalism to socialism
Duncan Bowie - ‘The Fighting Magazine of the Working Class’: The International Socialist Review and Class War in the USA 1900-1918
John Newsinger - An International language for a world revolution?
Jean-François Fayet - Raphael Samuel and the Politics of the People’s Historian
Sophie Scott-Brown - Reviews